Accreditation and Compliance
Regulatory Compliance: Nixpend Solution
The Nixpend solution meets and exceeds the exacting requirements of major local and international regulatory bodies, underscoring our unwavering commitment to compliance and reliability.

Nixpend solutions are fully equipped with security and confidentiality measures that meet the stringent requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Nixpend Applies all new standards of the “Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, 7th edition” any organization implements nixpend solution will be ready from the patient information side and medical content.

Nixpend DB hosts a curated selection of SFDA-approved medications and drugs, ensuring the highest standards of safety and efficacy in healthcare. Trust in our commitment to quality and compliance with regulatory standards.

Nixpend prepares healthcare organizations for HIMSS level 7, enabling seamless transition to advanced digital healthcare. Elevate patient care and operational efficiency with our comprehensive solutions.

Nixpend Applies all new standards of the “Ambulatory Health Care Standards_2020” in the system, and any organization implements nixpend solution will be ready from the patient information side and medical content.
Nixpend is continuously up to date with all ZATCA integration and update requirements being the backbone of a healthy Revenue Cycle and Billing Management in addition to continuously developing VAT and other Tax reports to make sure information is always available, on time.